Hospital Bag - What to Pack


Hey babes, I am NOT an expert on hospital packing, but this is my second time around - and in terms of fashion and comfort, I like what I like.  I have broken it down to what I am bringing and why... so scroll away.  Hope this helps!!

In Labour!

In Labour!

So, in terms of what I am wearing in the hospital, I went for comfort all the way.  Although my usual mantra is "looking good is never comfortable", after pushing a human out of yourself, a girl should be comfortable. 

I have two pair of Lululemons, Fast and Free and Align, an over-size tunic tee, a super soft lululemon sweater, mules, and a flannel.  I am obsessed with my flannels - tied around the waist or worn open... LOVE. 

You pretty much wear those disposable netted underwear the entire time your in the hospital, so the lululemons are super comfortable to wear over. They are high waist and help suck and tuck that now empty belly. The sweater and tunic both cover my bum for obvious reasons ... diaper bum. 

The mules are just soft and comfortable and easy to slip on and off!


I started packing all my goods into my small little duffle (pictured right) ... no beuno... waaayyyy too small.  All I have are big suitcases and little fashion duffles, so I went online and ordered a Herschel duffle bag. It should arrive this week and it will be perfect for our hospital stay and weekends going forward. 

Pretty much everywhere I go, so does an Aritzia blanket scarf.  It looks polished to throw it on and can double as a blanker.  I wear my Ugg slippers all year round, so those were a no brainer.  A beanie looks cute if you don't feel like doing your hair and want to wear it down. So glad that Fall is approaching... with it comes delicious hot beverages and all the beanies and scarves! 

Not pictured -  my favorite blanket.  Admission... my blanket is zebra print, her name is Anthony, and she is soft and goes everywhere with me.  (what am I, a five year old?)


I started packing all my goods into my small little duffle (pictured right) ... no beuno... waaayyyy too small.  All I have are big suitcases and little fashion duffles, so I went online and ordered a Herschel duffle bag. It should arrive this week and it will be perfect for our hospital stay and weekends going forward. 

Pretty much everywhere I go, so does an Aritzia blanket scarf.  It looks polished to throw it on and can double as a blanker.  I wear my Ugg slippers all year round, so those were a no brainer.  A beanie looks cute if you don't feel like doing your hair and want to wear it down. So glad that Fall is approaching... with it comes delicious hot beverages and all the beanies and scarves! 

Not pictured -  my favorite blanket.  Admission... my blanket is zebra print, her name is Anthony, and she is soft and goes everywhere with me.  (what am I, a five year old?)


Besides the obvious toiletries - make up, toothbrush, hair brush etc - here are a few essentials I will be bringing.

I have my flip flops packed because I am a germaphobe in public showers, scrunchies to put your hair up and not completely kink your hair, refreshing face wipes, and Arbonne eye gels.  My face was so swollen last time around from pushing that I looked like a pumpkin... so a little eye gel action definitely can't hurt. 

Phone charger and gum are packed for obvious reasons and I was advised to bring my towel because the ones they provide there are like face clothes! I bring my Swell water bottle everywhere.  It's important to stay super hydrated for the milk letdown and for elasticity when your mutant stomach is shrinking back to into place!!

I also have my favorite cocoa belly butter cream packed.  I have lathered up my belly and boobs twice a day my entire pregnancy and I think it's important to keep doing that as your boobs grow with your milk letdown and as your stomach contracts back down to size.  I love this product and there a lot of others on the market... but it was affordable at Shoppers and to this day I don't have a single stretch mark.

Not pictured - curling wand, dry shampoo and chapstick. Dry shampoo is LIFE, enough said.  Some of you are probably wondering WTF would she need a curling want for... but I put a few loose curls in my hair last time I was in labour and touched up the next day in the hospital.  Honestly, I have it down to a fine art and it is just as quick to add a few curls as it is to try and create the perfect top knot!! And, come on, I want to look good for my first date with my daughter. I am a chronic Nivea tinted chap stick user, it goes everywhere with me... including hospital bag!!!!

Sorry if this is a little wordy, I just wanted to give a what and why of what I plan bringing.  If you have any questions, please shoot me a message.

Happy birthing bitches!!

